‘We are, ART IS!’ - Triënnale Brugge 2024 - At rise of curtain 
Brugge (BE)
Curator: Brecht Vanhoutte
Vernissage: 21/07/24 - Finnissage: 31/08/24
De Bond, Brugge - Buiten smedenvest 1 
“We are, Art is” means that art is inextricably linked to human existence while simultaneously forming its own autonomous entity. It suggests that people create art as an expression of their thoughts, emotions, and experiences, but once created, art can lead an independent life. The phrase can emphasize both that art is part of our human nature and that it can transcend us, forming a world unto itself that can be individually interpreted and appreciated. It acknowledges the symbiotic relationship between humans and art, where we are the creators and art is the result of our creative expression.
MARCH - 2024
‘Kunstexpo’ - Tyyli - Kaprijke (BE)
16/03/24 - 23/03/24
Tyyli, Kaprijke - Molenstraat 90 
JUNE - 2023
‘The sequel’ - Graduation Show 2023 - Gent (BE)
24/06/23 - 25/06/23
LUCA School of Arts, Gent - Alexianenplein 1 & 2
JUNE - 2023
‘Paniek in de Diskus’ - Diskus - Aalst (BE)
17/06/23 - 18/06/23
Diskus, Aalst - Diepestraat 46

MEI - 2023
05/05/23 - 07/05/23
LUCA School of Arts, Gent - Speldenstraat 1
December - 2020
‘Pillart’ - Het Entrepot Brugge (BE)
Het Entrepot, Brugge - Oostmeers 
July - August 2019
‘KONVOOI Arts Festival’ - Het Entrepot Brugge (BE)
Het Entrepot, Brugge - Baron Ruzette Park 
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